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Audience Feedback
SBS wants to hear from you. We welcome all audience feedback about our content and services.
Whether complimentary or critical, hearing direct from audiences is a valuable source of feedback helping SBS to be aware of and understand community opinion.
Feedback including questions, requests, concerns and general complaints (not alleging a breach of the SBS Code of Practice) can be shared by contacting SBS.
What does SBS do with audience feedback?
Audience feedback and general complaints are responded to as appropriate.
Emails are acknowledged as being received, however, due to the volume of feedback, you may not receive further response if there is no additional information that can be provided, or action to be taken.
If an enquiry requires a detailed response or specific assistance, your email may be directed to the relevant team or employee within the organisation for advice.
General complaints will be referred to the relevant area to determine the appropriate action. SBS is not required to investigate and respond to general complaints but will make reasonable efforts to address the major concerns in general complaints received in writing.
If you wish to make a complaint alleging SBS has breached its Code of Practice, or provide feedback about closed captioning services, please read more here.
SBS does not respond to abusive or offensive correspondence.
Information about feedback, comments and general complaints received is compiled into regular reports shared with SBS staff as a valuable source of feedback direct from audiences. Personal information received is not included.
The personal information SBS collects through audience feedback and complaints received is managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.