Our values
Underpinning our success, SBS’s five values inform our behaviours and actions, and influence our decisions and how we work.
We are audience obsessed
We exist for them. We are passionate about understanding our audiences’ needs and what inspires them. We make decisions with our audiences in mind. We build partnerships with the community.
We embrace difference
We bring our whole self to work. We passionately pursue our purpose and we advocate for diversity. We don't tolerate inequality. We connect with people and ensure everyone is heard.
We are bold and brave
We are thought provoking. We respectfully challenge each other. We don't accept the status quo. We aim for extraordinary. We recognise that when we fail a new learning opportunity is created.
We engage and participate fully
We don't sit on the sidelines. We hold each other to account whilst accepting personal responsibility. We don't accept passengers along for the ride. We keep evolving through continuous improvement.
We look out for one another
We foster a sense of belonging. We care for each other personally and professionally. We make it easy for people to do their job. We act as one team and support each other. We celebrate our success.
Watch our Values video and visit our Careers page to read more about our culture and working for SBS.