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In Language Production


SBS In Language provides high quality translation, typesetting, subtitling, voice overs and full scale radio and video production services in more than 100 languages.

Highest standard end-to-end delivery

SBS In Language proudly holds a Quality Management System certification ISO 9001, for the quality and accountability of our systems and processes, and our NAATI-accredited, professional translators can translate the English language to over 100 other languages.

Our Services


Accurate, meaningful and culturally safe translations are the foundation to developing a relationship with multicultural Australia.

Unlock the full potential of Australia’s foreign language market in more than 100 languages with our specialist and SBS-preferred team of translators.

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SBS In Language typesetters are experts in a highly specialised field.

Could your written material reach a wider audience? By communicating with an audience in their language, your message is guaranteed to be well received.

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Voice Overs & Re-Narration

State-of-the-art multitrack recording studios, great talent and professional audio engineers make our voice overs seamless.

Our extensive pool of multilingual voice talent will help you capture the cultural authenticity, character and accuracy of your audio.

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Video Production

SBS In Language specialises in developing culturally appropriate, broadcast quality productions.

Information is often best understood when communicated visually. We work with clients to identify the best way to bring their message to a new audience.

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SBS television is synonymous with great subtitling.

As the only broadcaster in Australia to offer subtitling, SBS has earned its place as one of the world’s leading subtitling units.

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Cross Cultural Consultancy

Strategic advice, guidance and research on target communities including demographics, cultural appropriateness of content and the identification of potential drivers and opportunities.

SBS has been the trusted leader in multilingual services since 1975. With our unique multicultural expertise, we are committed to making your content culturally relevant and ready for any professional application.

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